Preparation and Washing in High Efficiency Rope
Multiwash-M is a multi-modular rope washing range. It is suitable for fabrics from traditional or ink-jet prints, or for preparation processes , such as scouring and bleaching.It consists of 3 different washing modules, INTENSIVE, DWELL, REACTION, fully configurable, according to the chosen version and according to the required technological cycle, thus allowing a total customization.The modules are designed with suitable fabric traction controls and transport tubes suitable for a wide range of fabrics , from the lightest and most delicate to the heaviest, using low consumption unique to the category.Multiwash-M will therefore be a plant, "without limits" of production speed and with the possibility of being expanded and modified as required.All the internal parts of the machine in contact with the fabric are built using certified stainless steel. Multiwash-M is entirely engineered and built in MCS and tested in the Blue R&D area of MCS.