Starwash FS Evo
Open-Width Scouring Box
STARWASH FAST SCOUR EVO has been designed for scouring in continuous with heatsetting, in order to reduce the quantity of oil present in elastic fabrics and to prepare the fabrics to subsequent processings. Oils to be eliminated are mainly silicones coming from elastomers and minerals used as lubricants in weaving. Such oils, burning at high temperatures during heatsetting, are eliminated unevenly and create areas with different absorptions inside the fabric itself. Reduce and make these oils even on the surface of the fabrics becomes a fundamental operation to be carried out before heat-setting. Heat-set fabrics, scoured in a discontinuous machine will have inferior qualities, as well as more expensive processing costs. Starwash FSE is entirely engineered and built in MCS and tested in the Blue R&D area of MCS.